Overcoming resistance

“The more important a call or action to our soul’s evolution, the more Resistance we will feel toward pursuing it.” - Steven Pressfield

I’ve really resisted going to bed early this past year—and I wonder how important or unimportant that is to me. Perhaps procrastinating by staying up late to write instead of going to sleep is a sign that my journey will begin only when I’ve overcome that resistance…to go to bed earlier. I love this self-help therapy.

But what’s my point? Steven talks about this Resistance as a negative force that prevents us from achieving our dreams—to become a writer, a storyteller, a whatever-you-want-to-become. Its sidekick is Procrastination. And it’s by overcoming Resistance and Procrastination that we truly become the persons we were meant to be. Persisting in the face of fear, the unknown, the Suck. Time to face this Resistance. Time for bed…