
Dharma, ikigai, and purpose

Dharma is the path or the universal laws of nature—in Buddhist teaching, dharma means acting in your “own way” and doing what is true of yourself.

Ikigai is the Japanese word for purpose or “your reason for being.”

Dharma and ikigai are components of what Joseph Campbell referred to in the “hero’s journey” in which we must adventure through the highs and lows in life to find our purpose and ultimately transform ourselves.

From my own experience and experience working with others in finding their “Why,” it is a question that many of us have never had the time to truly explore (“Purpose?! Passion?! Go to school, get good job, marry—that is purpose!”).

“Who am I?” is one of the most difficult yet powerful questions we can ask ourselves but one that usually is not explored until our later years in life…but who is to say we cannot ask that question when we are 8? 15? 21?

The answer may and will change over time, but I would argue asking that question is more beneficial than the questions that dominate society today—Who are the Kardashians dating now?

If you ask the question of who you are over and over again, I can certainly bet you that it will yield more benefits to your overall life satisfaction in the long run rather than fixating on who Kim Kardashian is now dating.

So…who are YOU?